Monday, March 28, 2016

January 2016

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Solo Time Music Games
January 2016

Putting the "Flash" in Flashcards!
 Composing and what I've been using
Happy January!

Trust you had a wonderful Christmas Season.  It was our year to have Christmas without the kids so we took off to California and went camping in Wallmart parking lots and then finally on the beach in Santa Cruz.   No point shopping as the dollar is so low but gas was cheap so we went and enjoyed the beaches.  Then January came and it was Christmas again with all the family at a ski hill in Vernon.  Great snow, skiing, visiting, games, food and grand kids, food and grand kids and more food.   It was a great time.

Composing season is here.  I posted last month a new composition idea about using "One Note"  it's upgraded and now includes rhythms $2.29.  Also check out Caterpillar Composition and Composing Snowman.     

Marketing of my studio is always on my mind.  This fall I started music in a couple of Montessori schools and it has been great boost and exposure for my studio and lots of fun using my ukulele.

What games have I been using this month with my
Music For Young Children classes?
Give it a Rest and Weak and Strong Beats
for Sunbeam and Moonbeam  3's.  Definitely Bee - For and Bee - After for Sunbeam 1's and review for Moonbeam 1's and Sunbeam 2's.  Monster Patterns for Sunbeam 1 and Sunshine 2.   Don't Put Your Apples for Sunbeam 3 for enharmonic review.  Noah's Ark has been great for helping young ones learn the value of notes (I even used the easy cards with my Sunshine 1 class.)

Valentines Day is in a couple of weeks and posted below is a list of what is available in the  Solo Time Music Games Teachers Notebook store. Most of the Valentine Day printables have been updated and I think you will be happy with the result. 
Have a wonderful day!
Heartily Yours,

Lois Dicknoether
Solo Time Music Games 

Solo Time Music Games
are designed to instill a life long passion 
and understanding of music and its concepts 
through a fun hands on experience.

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Valentine Activities
  Valentine Match up - Note and keyboard
 Valentine Circle of 5th's - Keys to My Heart
 Valentine Beginner Match Up - Music for Young Children specific
Valentine Beats - includes Triplets
 Valentine Music  - Rhythms using 16th notes
 Valentine Tic Tac Toe  and X's and O's - Beginner - Two levels included

New and updated versions of all the games played in the form of tic tac toe and ending with a black out where everyone wins!
Key's to my Heart - students match keys to the heart signatures. 
Great review for theory students learning
key signatures up to four sharps and four flats. 

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